Privacy & cookie policy

1. Introduction

Lundgrens Partnerselskab (hereafter “Lundgrens”, ”we”, ”us” or ”our”) processes data about current and potential clients, partners and suppliers as well as visitors to our website(s) or users of our associated services.

We will process your personal data in accordance with this privacy and cookie policy (hereafter "Privacy Policy").

Lundgrens reserves the right to amend this Privacy Policy at any time.

2. Data control

2.1 Data controller

Lundgrens is the data controller, and we ensure that personal data is processed in accordance with applicable law.

If you need to contact Lundgrens Partnerselskab under liquidation (Formerly: Lundgrens Advokatpartnerselskab), CVR no. 36 44 20 42, please send an email to

3. Overview of data processing activities

Analysing the Website ( and subpages)Lundgrens is able to improve the Website and analyse how the Website is used
  • IP-address of the visitor
  • Cookie(s) (see cookie declaration below)
  • Information about the visitor’s browser and behaviour on the Website
Our legitimate interest in providing the Webpage, analysing this with a view to improvements, etc., GDPR art. 6(1)(f) to the extent that the processing is not based on consent, GDPR art. 6(1)(a)

Besides the usual rights, the right to object to the processing


Consent may be withdrawn at any time

See our cookie policy
Participation in events, seminars, courses, etc.  Lundgrens is able to provide services to the participant, improve these services and quality hereof
  • The participant’s ordinary personal data, i.e. name, email address and phone number  
  • Title
  • Name of workplace, phone number and address
  • Potential personal preferences in connection with signing up for the event
  • Photos/videos (in cases where we assess that the participant’s photos/videos may be used without consent as the participant cannot be recognized)
  • If the event takes place via Teams: Your log-in name as well as anything you write in the chat. Also note that this will be visible to other participants


Our legitimate interest in being able to offer, carry out and assess events, seminars, courses, etc., GDPR art. 6(1)(f)


We may take some lyrical pictures during an event where the focus in on the event/activity itself and not on the individual. Such pictures in which the individual is unrecognisable may be used on our website, LinkedIn, Facebook or Instagram, in presentations booklets or other marketing material for the purposes of promoting an activity or marketing ourselves in general. The legal basis hereof is our legitimate interest in marketing and promoting Lundgrens, GDPR art. 6 (1)(f)


In situations where individuals are recognisable, our legal basis is the consent given, GDPR art. 6(1)(a)

In addition to the usual rights, the right to object to the processing exists


Consent may be withdrawn at any time

One (1) year after signing up for the service is no longer relevant


As long as a valid consent exists

Signing up for our newslettersLundgrens is able to market itself
  • The recipient’s ordinary personal data, i.e. name, email address and phone number
  • Place of work
  • Practice areas of interest
Consent, GDPR art. 6(1)(a)A given consent may be withdrawn at any timeAs long as a valid consent exists
Statutory AML procedureLundgrens is able to adhere to its legal obligations under the AML legislation and any other related legislation in force at any time
  • Ordinary personal data, i.e. name, email address, address and phone number
  • Name of workplace, phone number, address, client reference number
  • Photo ID
  • Date of birth
  • CPR number (civil registration number)
  • Political opinions (politically exposed persons) and information about spouse, (registered) partner or parents and children and their spouses/(registered) partners (closely related individuals to a politically exposed person)
Compliance with legal obligation under the AML legislation and any other related legislation in force at any time, GDPR art. 6(1)(c), see the Danish AML Act and the Danish Bookkeeping Act, art. 9(2)(g), see art. 6(1)(c), See the Danish AML Act, and s. 11 of the Danish Data Protection Act as regards CPR number Five (5) years after the business relation has ceased
Private clients

Lundgrens is able to manage the client relation and provide services to its clients, including legal advice and other related services


Lundgrens is able to adhere to its contractual and legal obligations as advisor and/or to be able to adhere to its general legal obligations

  • Ordinary personal data, i.e. name, email address, address and phone number
  • Title
  • Name of workplace
  • Client reference number
  • Photo ID, date of birth, CPR number (civil registration number), political opinions (politically exposed persons) and information about spouse, (registered) partner or parents and children and their spouses/(registered) partners (closely related individuals to a politically exposed person) when required under the Danish AML Act
  • Any relevant information necessary in order to assist in the matter, including sensitive data


Performance of a contract entered into with the client and/or preparations in this connection, GDPR art. 6(1)(b); our legitimate interest in providing legal advice and managing our relationship with the client, GDPR art. 6(1)(f);

establishment, exercise and defence of legal claims, GDPR art. 6(1)(f) and 9(2)(f); compliance with a legal obligation, GDPR artt. 6 (1)(c) and 6(1)(f), see the Code of Conduct for the Danish Bar and Law Society, Danish AML Act and the Danish Bookkeeping Act  


Also see above in terms of processing of personal data for the purpose of adhering to the Danish AML Act


When required by the data protection legislation or any other legislation, consent, GDPR art. 6(1)(a) and/or 9(2)(a), may also be used as legal basis


In addition to the usual rights, the right to access to the information about the processingAs a minimum, five (5) years after the case has been closed; and under certain circumstances ten (10) years due to our indemnity liability as advisors
Taxation matters

Lundgrens is able to manage the client relation and provide services to its clients, including legal advice and other related services


Lundgrens is able to adhere to its contractual and legal obligations as advisor and/or to be able to adhere to its general legal obligations 

  • Ordinary personal data, i.e. name, email address, address and phone number
  • CPR number
  • Information about employment, employment terms and conditions, e.g. salary, benefits, etc.
  • Other income
  • Economic matters (property, ownerships, fortune, pension matters, etc.)
  • Stays abroad
  • Family relations (e.g. civil status, spouse’s/partner’s stay(s) abroad
  • Communication with tax authorities
  • Previous years’ taxation matters
  • Previous decisions regarding taxation matters
  • Information about criminal convictions and offences pertaining to taxation matters
  • Tax debts

Performance of a contract entered into with the client and/or preparations in this connection, GDPR art. 6(1)(b); our legitimate interest in providing legal advice and managing our relationship with the client, GDPR art. 6(1)(f);

establishment, exercise and defence of legal claims, GDPR art. 6(1)(f) and 9(2)(f); compliance with a legal obligation, GDPR artt. 6 (1)(c) and 6(1)(f), see the Code of Conduct for the Danish Bar and Law Society, Danish AML Act and the Danish Bookkeeping Act; s. 11 of the Danish Data Protection Act as regards CPR number and s. 8 regarding criminal convictions and offences


When required by the data protection legislation or any other legislation, (explicit) consent, GDPR art. 6(1)(a) and/or 9(2)(a), may also be used as legal basis


A given consent may be withdrawn at any time

As a minimum, five (5) years after the case has been closed; and under certain circumstances ten (10) years due to our indemnity liability as advisors


Labour and employment matters

Lundgrens is able to manage the client relation and provide services to its clients, including legal advice and other related services


Lundgrens is able to adhere to its contractual and legal obligations as advisor and/or to be able to adhere to its general legal obligations 

  • Ordinary personal data, i.e. name, email address, address and phone number
  • Information about employment (title, duties and responsibilities, employment terms and conditions, performance, assessments hereof, etc.)
  • Family relations (e.g. civil status)
  • Financial matters (e.g. salary, bonus and other income information, including CPR number)
  • Test results
  • Employment related sanctions (summary dismissals, warnings, dismissals, etc.)
  • Personal matters (e.g. information about sex, racial and ethnic origin, religion, age, sexual orientation, nationality, citizenship, work permit and residence status)
  • Information about criminal convictions and offences
  • Trade union memberships
  • Information about health 

Performance of a contract entered into with the client and/or preparations in this connection, GDPR art. 6(1)(b); our legitimate interest in providing legal advice and managing our relation with the client, GDPR art. 6(1)(f);

establishment, exercise and defence of legal claims, GDPR art. 6(1)(f) and 9(2)(f); compliance with a legal obligation, GDPR artt. 6 (1)(c) and 6(1)(f), see the Code of Conduct for the Danish Bar and Law Society, and the Danish Bookkeeping Act; s. 11 of the Danish Data Protection Act as regards CPR number and s. 8 regarding criminal convictions and offences




When required by the data protection legislation or any other legislation, (explicit) consent, GDPR art. 6(1)(a) and/or 9(2)(a), may also be used as legal basis


A given consent may be withdrawn at any time

As a minimum, five (5) years after the case has been closed; and under certain circumstances ten (10) years due to our indemnity liability as advisors


Processing of incident reports in the whistleblower schemes administered by Lundgrens on behalf of our clients

Lundgrens is able to manage the client relation and provide services to its clients, including legal advice and other related services


Lundgrens is able to adhere to its contractual and legal obligations as advisor and/or to be able to adhere to its general legal obligations 

  • Ordinary personal data on the individual who filed the report as well as on the individual being reported, including name and title
  • Other data received in connection with the reported matters
  • Possible criminal offences

Performance of a contract entered into with the client and/or preparations in this connection, GDPR art. 6(1)(b); our legitimate interest in providing legal advice and managing our relation with the client, GDPR art. 6(1)(f); the establishment of legal claims and their enforceability and defence, GDPR art. 6(1)(f)


Sensitive data:
GDPR art. 9(2)(f), jf. art. 6(1)(b)

Criminal offences: DBL § 8


When required by the data protection legislation or any other legislation, (explicit) consent will be used as legal basis


Consent may be withdrawn at any time

The data is kept as long as an investigation is ongoing. The retention period thereafter will depend on the outcome of the investigation.


In case of notification to the police or other authorities, the data will be kept at least as long as the police/authorities are investigating.


On the other hand, if the report proves to be unfounded, the personal data will be deleted within 2 months from the date on which the report was found to be unfounded

Drafting of wills and/or marriage contracts

Lundgrens is able to manage the client relation and provide services to its clients, including legal advice and other related services


Lundgrens is able to adhere to its contractual and legal obligations as advisor and/or to be able to adhere to its general legal obligations 

  • Ordinary personal data, i.e. name, email address, address and phone number
  • Family matters (e.g. civil status, children, adoption matters)
  • Economic matters (property, ownerships, fortune, pension matters, etc.)
  • Beneficiaries, including names, CPR numbers and addresses
  • Previously signed wills or marriage contracts

Performance of a contract entered into with the client and/or preparations in this connection, GDPR art. 6(1)(b); our legitimate interest in providing legal advice and managing our relationship with the client, GDPR art. 6(1)(f);

establishment, exercise and defence of legal claims, GDPR art. 6(1)(f) and 9(2)(f); compliance with a legal obligation, GDPR artt. 6 (1)(c) and 6(1)(f), see the Code of Conduct for the Danish Bar and Law Society, and the Danish Bookkeeping Act; s. 11 of the Danish Data Protection Act as regards CPR number



A given consent may be withdrawn at any time

As a minimum, five (5) years after the case has been closed; and under certain circumstances ten (10) years due to our indemnity liability as advisors


Debt collection matters

Lundgrens is able to manage the client relation and provide services to its clients, including legal advice and other related services


Lundgrens is able to adhere to its contractual and legal obligations as advisor and/or to be able to adhere to its general legal obligations 

  • Ordinary personal data, i.e. name, email address, address and phone number
  • Banking details
  • CPR number, address and banking details of debtor  

Performance of a contract entered into with the client and/or preparations in this connection, GDPR art. 6(1)(b); our legitimate interest in providing legal advice and

and managing our relationship with the client, GDPR art. 6(1)(f);

establishment, exercise and defence of legal claims, GDPR art. 6(1)(f) and 9(2)(f); compliance with a legal obligation, GDPR artt. 6 (1)(c) and 6(1)(f), see the Code of Conduct for the Danish Bar and Law Society, and the Danish Bookkeeping Act; s. 11 of the Danish Data Protection Act as regards CPR number



When required by the data protection legislation or any other legislation, (explicit) consent, GDPR art. 6(1)(a) and/or 9(2)(a), may also be used as legal basis


A given consent may be withdrawn at any time

As a minimum, five (5) years after the case has been closed; and under certain circumstances ten (10) years due to our indemnity liability as advisors


Insurance matters

Lundgrens is able to manage the client relation and provide services to its clients, including legal advice and other related services


Lundgrens is able to adhere to its contractual and legal obligations as advisor and/or to be able to adhere to its general legal obligations 

  • Ordinary personal data, i.e. name, email address, address and phone number
  • Economic matters (property, ownerships, fortune, pension matters, etc.)
  • Information about criminal convictions and offences
  • CPR numbers
  • Sensitive information (information about health, trade union memberships, sexual orientation)
  • Employment terms and conditions
  • Beneficiaries, including names, CPR numbers and addresses


Performance of a contract entered into with the client and/or preparations in this connection, GDPR art. 6(1)(b); our legitimate interest in providing legal advice and

and managing our relationship with the client, GDPR art. 6(1)(f);

establishment, exercise and defence of legal claims, GDPR art. 6(1)(f) and 9(2)(f); compliance with a legal obligation, GDPR artt. 6 (1)(c) and 6(1)(f), see the Code of Conduct for the Danish Bar and Law Society, and the Danish Bookkeeping Act; s. 11 of the Danish Data Protection Act as regards CPR number and s. 8 regarding criminal convictions and offences



When required by the data protection legislation or any other legislation, (explicit) consent, GDPR art. 6(1)(a) and/or 9(2)(a), may also be used as legal basis


A given consent may be withdrawn at any time

As a minimum, five (5) years after the case has been closed; and under certain circumstances ten (10) years due to our indemnity liability as advisors


Criminal matters

Lundgrens is able to manage the client relation and provide services to its clients, including legal advice and other related services


Lundgrens is able to adhere to its contractual and legal obligations as advisor and/or to be able to adhere to its general legal obligations 

  • Ordinary personal data, i.e. name, email address, address and phone number
  • Information about criminal convictions and offences
  • Financial matters (e.g. salary, and other income information)
  • Personal and family matters
  • Other information relevant to the matter

Performance of a contract entered into with the client and/or preparations in this connection, GDPR art. 6(1)(b); our legitimate interest in providing legal advice and

and managing our relationship with the client, GDPR art. 6(1)(f);

establishment, exercise and defence of legal claims, GDPR art. 6(1)(f) and 9(2)(f); compliance with a legal obligation, GDPR artt. 6 (1)(c) and 6(1)(f), see the Code of Conduct for the Danish Bar and Law Society, and the Danish Bookkeeping Act; s. 11 of the Danish Data Protection Act as regards CPR number and s. 8 regarding criminal convictions and offences





A given consent may be withdrawn at any time

As a minimum, five (5) years after the case has been closed; and under certain circumstances ten (10) years due to our indemnity liability as advisors


Business clients

Lundgrens is able to manage the client relation and provide services to its clients, including legal advice and other related services


Lundgrens is able to adhere to its contractual and legal obligations as advisor and/or to be able to adhere to its general legal obligations 

  • Ordinary personal data, i.e. name, email address, address and phone number
  • Name of workplace, phone number and address
  • Photo ID, date of birth, CPR number, political opinions (politically exposed persons) and information about spouse, (registered) partner or parents and children and their spouses/(registered) partners (closely related individuals to a politically exposed person) when required under the Danish AML Act
  • Any other relevant information which is necessary in regard to the case


Performance of a contract entered into with the client and/or preparations in this connection, GDPR art. 6(1)(b); our legitimate interest in providing legal advice and

and managing our relationship with the client, GDPR art. 6(1)(f);

establishment, exercise and defence of legal claims, GDPR artt. 6(1)(f) and 9(2)(f); compliance with a legal obligation, GDPR artt. 6 (1)(c) and 6(1)(f), see the Code of Conduct for the Danish Bar and Law Society, and the Danish Bookkeeping Act; s. 11 of the Danish Data Protection Act as regards CPR number



Also see above in terms of processing of personal data for the purpose of adhering to the Danish AML Act


When required by the data protection legislation or any other legislation, (explicit) consent, GDPR art. 6(1)(a) and/or 9(2)(a), may also be used as legal basis

The right of access to the information about the processing of personal data


A given consent may be withdrawn at any time

As a minimum, five (5) years after the case has been closed; and under certain circumstances ten (10) years due to our indemnity liability as advisors
Managers, employees etc. of business clients

Lundgrens is able to manage the client relation and provide services to its clients, such as e.g. employment related matters including outside counsel's investigations, screening of whistleblower reports, etc.


  • Ordinary personal data, i.e. name, email address, address and phone number
  • Information about employer
  • Title
  • Other relevant employment related data, for instance, information about sickness, absence, etc.
  • Criminal offences and convictions

Performance of a contract entered into with the client and/or preparations in this connection, GDPR art. 6(1)(b); our legitimate interest in providing legal advice and

and managing our relationship with the client, GDPR art. 6(1)(f);

establishment, exercise and defence of legal claims, GDPR artt. 6(1)(f) and 9(2)(f); compliance with a legal obligation, GDPR artt. 6 (1)(c) and 6(1)(f), see the Code of Conduct for the Danish Bar and Law Society, and the Danish Bookkeeping Act; s. 8 of the Danish Data Protection Act as regards criminal offences and convictions


When required by the data protection legislation or any other legislation, (explicit) consent, GDPR art. 6(1)(a) and/or 9(2)(a), may also be used as legal basis


A given consent may be withdrawn at any timeAs a minimum, five (5) years after the case has been closed; and under certain circumstances ten (10) years due to our indemnity liability as advisors
Counter parties (natural persons)/secondary parties, and thereto related persons, e.g. affiliated companies’ employees, suppliers, advisors, members of the board, managers etc.Lundgrens is able to contact counter parties and also, in this manner, be able to manage the client relation and provide services
  • Contact information, e.g. name, email address, address and phone number
  • Other information related to the case, e.g. financial matters, contractual matters
  • Sensitive information, such as information about health, or about criminal offences and/or convictions

Performance of a contract entered into with the client and/or preparations in this connection, GDPR art. 6(1)(b); our legitimate interest in providing legal advice and

and managing our relationship with the client, GDPR art. 6(1)(f);

establishment, exercise and defence of legal claims, GDPR artt. 6(1)(f) and 9(2)(f); compliance with a legal obligation, GDPR artt. 6 (1)(c) and 6(1)(f), see the Code of Conduct for the Danish Bar and Law Society, and the Danish Bookkeeping Act; s. 8 of the Danish Data Protection Act as regards criminal offences and convictions


When required by the data protection legislation or any other legislation, (explicit) consent, GDPR art. 6(1)(a) and/or 9(2)(a), may also be used as legal basis


A given consent may be withdrawn at any timeAs a minimum, five (5) years after the case has been closed; and under certain circumstances ten (10) years due to our indemnity liability as advisors
Witnesses, experts, secondary parties etc.Lundgrens is able to contact witnesses etc. and, in this manner, be able to manage the client relation and provide services and also, be able to include and process personal data in connection with court cases and arbitration and the like
  • Contact information, e.g. name, email address, address and phone number
  • Other information related to the case, e.g. financial matters, contractual matters
  • Sensitive information, such as information about health, or about criminal offences and/or convictions

Performance of a contract entered into with the client and/or preparations in this connection, GDPR art. 6(1)(b); our legitimate interest in providing legal advice and

and managing our relationship with the client, GDPR art. 6(1)(f);

establishment, exercise and defence of legal claims, GDPR artt. 6(1)(f) and 9(2)(f); compliance with a legal obligation, GDPR artt. 6 (1)(c) and 6(1)(f), see the Code of Conduct for the Danish Bar and Law Society, and the Danish Bookkeeping Act; s. 8 of the Danish Data Protection Act as regards criminal offences and convictions


When required by the data protection legislation or any other legislation, (explicit) consent, GDPR art. 6(1)(a) and/or 9(2)(a), may also be used as legal basis

A given consent may be withdrawn at any timeAs a minimum, five (5) years after the case has been closed; and under certain circumstances ten (10) years due to our indemnity liability as advisors
Natural persons affiliated with target companies, including group companies in connection with due diligence relating to transactions, etc.

Lundgrens provides services to its clients in connection with transactions

(due diligence)

  • Contact information, e.g. name, email address, address and phone number
  • Information about the employer, title and other information depending on the case, e.g. information about tenancies, employments, financial matters and contractual relationships originating from data rooms

Performance of a contract entered into with the client and/or preparations in this connection, GDPR art. 6(1)(b); our legitimate interest in providing legal advice and

and managing our relationship with the client, GDPR art. 6(1)(f);

establishment, exercise and defence of legal claims, GDPR artt. 6(1)(f) and 9(2)(f); compliance with a legal obligation, GDPR artt. 6 (1)(c) and 6(1)(f), see the Code of Conduct for the Danish Bar and Law Society, and the Danish Bookkeeping Act


 As a minimum, five (5) years after the case has been closed; and under certain circumstances ten (10) years due to our indemnity liability as advisors
Debt collection matters

Lundgrens can collect outstanding debts with debtor, including identifying each debtor, his/her outstanding debt and subsequently, collecting such debt


The collection may take place on behalf of Lundgrens’ clients as well as on our own behalf

  • Debtor’s ordinary personal data, i.e. name, contact details and recovery claims
  • Work place
  • Information about financial circumstances, including information about income and fortune
  • Other personal data which is relevant in order to assess the circumstances pertaining to debt (except for sensitive information)
  • Sensitive information if relevant in order to assess the circumstances pertaining to the debt, e.g. information about health

Performance of a contract entered into with the client and/or preparations in this connection, GDPR art. 6(1)(b); our legitimate interest in providing legal advice and

and managing our relationship with the client, GDPR art. 6(1)(f);

establishment, exercise and defence of legal claims, GDPR artt. 6(1)(f) and 9(2)(f); compliance with a legal obligation, GDPR artt. 6 (1)(c) and 6(1)(f), see the Code of Conduct for the Danish Bar and Law Society, and the Danish Bookkeeping Act; s. 8 of the Danish Data Protection Act as regards criminal offences and convictions


When required by the data protection legislation or any other legislation, (explicit) consent, GDPR art. 6(1)(a) and/or 9(2)(a), may also be used as legal basis

In particular and in addition to your usual rights, the right of access to the information about the processing of personal data



A given consent may be withdrawn at any time

As a minimum, five (5) years after the case has been closed; and under certain circumstances ten (10) years due to our indemnity liability as advisors
Application for residence and work permits on behalf of clients’ employees Lundgrens can apply and be granted work and residence permits on behalf of clients’ employees
  • Ordinary personal data of client’s employee, i.e. name, email address, address and phone number
  • Passport copy
  • Nationality
  • Citizenship
  • Basis of stay
  • Information about employment, including terms and conditions, employer, title, salary, benefits, pension, education, etc.)
  • Stays in various countries
  • Family matters (fx civil status, spouse’s/partner’s basis of stay, children, etc.)
  • CPR number


Performance of a contract entered into with the client and/or preparations in this connection, GDPR art. 6(1)(b); our legitimate interest in providing legal advice and

and managing our relationship with the client, GDPR art. 6(1)(f);

establishment, exercise and defence of legal claims, GDPR artt. 6(1)(f) and 9(2)(f); compliance with a legal obligation, GDPR artt. 6 (1)(c) and 6(1)(f), see the Code of Conduct for the Danish Bar and Law Society, and the Danish Bookkeeping Act; s. 11 of the Danish Data Protection Act as regards CPR numbers



When required by the data protection legislation or any other legislation, (explicit) consent, GDPR art. 6(1)(a) and/or 9(2)(a), may also be used as legal basis

A given consent may be withdrawn at any timeAs a minimum, five (5) years after the case has been closed; and under certain circumstances ten (10) years due to our indemnity liability as advisors
Managers/employees, creditors, contractual partners, customers, debtors, shareholders, persons affiliated with companies/businesses and/or persons who are connected to or in other way covered by matters pertaining to compulsory dissolution, restructuring, insolvency and bankruptcyLundgrens’ contact options and at the same time to be able to manage the client relation and provide services, e.g. by examining matters and managing enforcement of claims, including examination of claims and collection

Lundgrens can arrange for effect payments, if relevant

Lundgrens can ensure that any necessary registrations are made
  • Ordinary personal data, i.e. name, email address, address and phone number
  • Statement of credit with related documentation and information about any disputes,
  • Payment information, account number and statement of claims for interests 
  • Sensitive information (information about health and/or criminal offences and convictions, union memberships, etc.)
  • Employment related information, e.g. absence due to sickness, working hours, employment contract, information about salary, taxes, financial matters and notification to Lønmodtagernes Garantifond
  • Passport copy
  • CPR number
  • Lease related information, information about leases, including reports drafted in connection with the moving in and moving out, complaints, deposit, etc.

Performance of a contract entered into with the client and/or preparations in this connection, GDPR art. 6(1)(b); our legitimate interest in providing legal advice and

and managing our relationship with the client, GDPR art. 6(1)(f);

establishment, exercise and defence of legal claims, GDPR artt. 6(1)(f) and 9(2)(f); compliance with a legal obligation, GDPR artt. 6 (1)(c) and 6(1)(f), see the Code of Conduct for the Danish Bar and Law Society, and the Danish Bookkeeping Act; s. 8 of the Danish Data Protection Act as regards criminal offences and convictions


When required by the data protection legislation or any other legislation, (explicit) consent, GDPR art. 6(1)(a) and/or 9(2)(a), may also be used as legal basis

A given consent may be withdrawn at any timeAs a minimum, five (5) years after the case has been closed; and under certain circumstances ten (10) years due to our indemnity liability as advisors
Potential clientsLundgrens can contact potential clients with a view to enter into a business relationship and/or to market ourselves
  • Ordinary personal data, i.e. name, email address, address and phone number
  • Title
  • Work Place

Work related interests

Our legitimate interest in seeking new clients, GDPR art. 6(1)(f)


When required by the data protection legislation or any other legislation, consent, may also be used as legal basis, GDPR art. 6(1)(a)

In addition to the usual rights, the right to object to the processing


A given consent may be withdrawn at any time

As long as the potential relationship is relevant to us from a business perspective
Suppliers and business partnersLundgrens is able to manage the relations with suppliers and business partners, including forwarding of invoices, etc.
  • Ordinary personal data of contact person of supplier/business partner, i.e. name, email address, address and phone number
  • Title
  • Work Place

Information about interests and special days related to the business, if any

Our legitimate interest in managing our relations with suppliers and business partners, GDPR art. 6(1)(f)In addition to the usual rights, the right to object to the processing

Five (5) years after the lapse of an accounting year 


The personal data on contact persons with the suppliers and business partners will be retained as long as an active business relation exists



InquiriesLundgrens can respond to inquiries
  • Ordinary personal data, i.e. name, email address, address and phone number
  • Title
  • Workplace
  • Information contained in the inquiry
Our legitimate interest in responding to inquiries, GDPR art. 6(1)(f)In addition to the usual rights, the right to object to the processingOne (1) year after receipt of the inquiry

4. Other information about the processing

4.1 Sources of collection

Lundgrens collects personal data about you via the use of our Website, services and products. We collect personal data about suppliers and business partners from public registers (e.g., including, and particularly, contact information about contact persons, etc. Lundgrens can receive personal data from third parties, e.g. counter parties, in which case the client will be informed of.  

4.2 Disclosure and transfer of personal data

Data controller: Lundgrens can disclose personal data to third parties, such as other law firms, banks, counter parties in al matters, authorities, Danish and foreign courts and arbitration tribunals. This only takes place on the basis of the following legal bases: (i) a legal obligation to which we are subject, (ii) performance of a contract entered into with you or the client (iii) our legitimate interests and only if this such interests are not overridden by your interests or fundamental rights and freedoms.

Data processor: a data processor is another legal or natural person, public entity or the like which processes data on our behalf and upon our instructions. A data processor may only process personal data in accordance with our instructions. Your personal data can be transferred to suppliers, business partners, contractual partners and other third parties which process data on behalf of Lundgrens, for instance by IT hosting, AML procedures and the like. When making use of such data processors, Lundgrens ensures that a contractual relationship is entered into under which the data processor is only permitted to process personal data in accordance with our instructions and our purposes as stated in this Privacy Policy. Moreover, when entering into such relationship, Lundgrens ensures that the data processor implements appropriate technical and organisational measures to ensure a level of security appropriate to the risk.

Transfer to third countries will only take place if an adequate level of protection is ensured. Moreover, such transfer will only take place if a legal basis for the transfer exists, in most cases the European Commission’s standard contractual clauses. You can contact us at if you wish to obtain a copy of the applicable legal basis.

5. Your rights

When we process your personal you have a number of rights: you have the right to request access to your personal data. If your personal data are inaccurate or misleading, you have the right to request that we rectify your data. You also have the right to request that we erase your personal date or that we restrict the processing of your data. In some cases, you also have the right to object to the processing of your personal data, for instance in situations where we process your personal data on the basis of our legitimate interests (GDPR, art. 6(1)(f)). Moreover, you have the right to data portability. In case our processing is based exclusively on your consent, you have the right to withdraw your consent at any time. The withdrawal of you consent does not affect the processing that took place prior to the withdrawal. If you wish to exercise your rights, please contact us at

You also have the right to lodge a complaint with the Danish Data Protection Agency which can be reached at or +45 33 19 32 00.


6. Terms and conditions

It is a condition for your participation in events and competitions offered by Lundgrens that you consent to receive marketing material. By ticking off the boxes “Yes, I consent to receive marketing material concerning legal news, events, recruiting, etc. from Lundgrens by email, SMS and social media” and “Register”, you confirm that you have read and understand that you consent to receive marketing material from Lundgrens Advokatpartnerselskab (CVR no.: 36 44 20 42). The marketing material will be legal news, future events, recruiting and other topics and activities of current interest and be sent by email, SMS and social media. 

At our events, we will take photos and videos to market other events on our website, social media or in other marketing material, including presentations, brochures, etc. We will always focus on the activity (and therefore not the individual on the photo). However, we may take photos and/or videos where it will be possible to identify you. When you participate in an event, you consent to our use of such identifiable photos and videos. If you wish that we delete photos or videos where you can be identified, you can always contact us here.

You can withdraw your consent at any time free of charge via the deregistration link in our emails or by contacting us here. If your consent is not used, it will automatically  expire after one (1) year. However, we will store your consent for two (2) years from the last use.

7. Cookies

For statistics purposes, in order to improve the user experience on our Website and to target advertisements, we use cookies that may collect data about you and how you and other visitors use our Website.   

A cookie is a text files with small pieces of data which can be used to optimise the user experience on a website. This means that the cookie itself does not affect your device, e.g. your computer, smart phone, etc. It cannot collect data, spread viruses or do any damage. The content of cookies can be read and is written by the websites that you visit.

We are permitted to set cookies on your device without your consent if the cookies are strictly necessary for the function of our Website. However, prior to setting other types of cookies, we will ask for your consent.

We use the following four types of cookies for the following purposes:

  • Cookies necessary for the functioning of our Website (necessary cookies)
  • Cookies obtaining information about the users’ preferences on our Website with a view to being able to offer relevant content to the users (preference cookies)
  • Cookies which are set in order to optimise design, user friendliness and the efficiency of our Website (statistic cookies)
  • Cookies which intend to display advertisements that are relevant and engaging for the individual user (marketing cookies)

On this Website, we generally use two types of cookies, i.e. non-persistent and persistent cookies.  The non-persistent cookies are session cookies that are linked to your visit on our Website; these cookies will be automatically deleted when you shut down your browser. The persistent cookies will be stores on your device when you visit our Website. Persistent cookies will delete themselves after a certain period, but they will be renewed each time you visit our Website. These two types of cookies can be subdivided into first party cookies which are set by the website owner, in this case, Lundgrens, and third party cookies which are set by third parties.  

If you wish to delete cookies in your browser, please follow these guidelines: If you block or delete cookies, there is a risk that the website will not be fully functional and there may be contents which you will not be able to access.