IP strategy and portfolio management

Legal advise about IP strategy and portfolio management

As a business, it is important to ensure that the IP portfolio reflects the branding and innovation desired to achieve the company's strategic sustainability goals.

In our counselling, we focus on ensuring that (i) no one else's rights are violated ("behave properly"), and (ii) the portfolio is attractive to investors and potential partners through licensing.

In addition, we assist in protecting key business identifiers such as trademarks and designs so that companies are able to communicate that they are a green or socially responsible company. In this process, we ensure that the company avoids being too descriptive or banal in its efforts to signal its sustainability.

We also assist companies in securing investments in green technology, either through patenting or by incorporating sensible trade secret protection into the company's organization. 

Finally, we investigate whether the company's technologies and innovations are eligible for IP-specific programs such as WIPO Green (support for green innovation and technology transfer) or other national or private programs aimed at accelerating and financing sustainable objectives.